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Corporate Prayer

Every Monday night at 7pm in the sanctuary, the doors to the church will be open for prayer.  Everyone is welcome.

Mens Ministry

The Men of God  meet for breakfast and fellowship the 3rd Sunday morning of the month at 8:00 a.m. at the church.  All men are welcome.

Womens Ministry

The Women of Praise meet on the 3rd Tuesday, of every month at the church.  All ladies are welcome!  Bring a dish to share and a friend if you like.  Child-care is available for children who are potty trained and older.

Prison Ministry Opportunities

For more information or to participate, contact

Mike Miller (972) 741-1622 or Bob Grayson (214) 215-6717

Plug into one of our home group fellowships  

3rd Sunday of every month

 6:00 pm. 

Call the church office or pick up a card in the foyer for details.




© 2013 Rock Church Dallas

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